December 28, 2022December 28, 2022 “Evil” Olivia Defends Mom Molly (and herself) Spread the love Molly Hopkins is going through a rough patch. First, news broke that her long-time friendship with Cynthia Decker was over. Cynthia would not elaborate on why it ended. Molly assures her customers at LiviRae that it is business as usual. Fans were worried about the state of their business when Instagram’s @Merrypants first reported the news: Now the news has broken that another relationship in her life is over. She and her boyfriend Kelly Brown, are no longer a couple. When @Merrypants first reported the news, Molly’s daughter Olivia was cited as one of the issues which led to the breakup. Olivia was quick to come to her mother’s defense in the comment section of the original post. Olivia was quick to defend herself (and sometimes insult) other 90 Day Fiancé fans commenting on the breakup news. Some fans expressing their opinions about the Molly/Kelly breakup announcement were greeted by “trolling” comments by Olivia. One fan attempted to clarify the original post for some confused fans. Many of the initial commenters did not know or remember who Olivia was. This commenter tried to clear things up – “For people who are confused: Molly and Cynthia aren’t best friends anymore. It has nothing to do with Kelly. He and Molly broke up because her oldest daughter, Olivia, got in the way because she’s a self entitled narcissistic Brat who wants all of her mother’s time and attention. No Kelly and Olivia didn’t hook up” Olivia responded: “this is so far from the truth. I hope you feel bad when you actually find out why in a few weeks 😢 you guys will look silly. I have my own life & own boyfriend I’ve been with for 6 years & he’s the only person I want time & attention from.” Another fan commented: “Damn… they’re all running from the crazy….if my kids got involved in any of my relationships, I’d clock ’em….it would never happen.” Olivia jumps to her mother’s defense by commenting, “you sound like a lovely parent. I’m very much not involved in their relationship lol silly silly internet warriors”. Another fan pointed out this behavior seems to be a pattern with Molly and Olivia. Once again, Olivia had harsh words for this commenter – even calling her “hilarious.” When another fan speculated that Olivia’s antics might’ve also affected Molly and Cynthia’s relationship, Olivia came to her mother’s (and her own) defense. Another fan commented, “so I read for a long time that both Molly & Olivia are abusive….I wonder if she was causing problems in the business and with Kelly, and Molly refused to do anything about it and told them to suck it up….” Olivia quickly defended her mother (and her work ethic): “no. None of your speculation is true. Watch their upcoming episodes & everything will make sense. I do nothing but help the business. I’m good at it & love my job there” Another fan called Olivia out for “trolling fans” in what is supposed to be their safe space to talk about their favorite show and its cast- a memer’s Instagram page. Olivia responded with, “where am I trolling. I’m replying to comments mentioning MY name to clear up stuff that people are talking about….let me know if you need to send you the definition of trolling. I am not the one talking about random strangers on the internet ❤️ that would be you.” A quick glimpse at Olivia’s page shows the comments to be overwhelmingly positive. Comments flatter Olivia’s appearance or her outfits. In her latest post, there is only one comment about the Molly and Kelly break up. Olivia is, as a matter of fact, “trolled ” by her mother on her one of her Instagram posts. Molly, for her part, issued a statement. She states she is busy focusing on other aspects of her life to dwell on the breakup of her friendship. For her part, Cynthia also seems to be concentrating on different aspects of her life. She recently posted these photos of her and her daughter playing with photo filters. Olivia and Molly do have a tumultuous relationship with each other. Olivia was not pleased when Molly announced she would be marrying Luis. As you can see from this throwback scene, Molly and Olivia’s issues were starting to bubble to the surface. Olivia had previously has previously spoken out about the problems she has with her mother. Here are two excellent videos from YouTube channels Reality Star Gossips and Auntie’s Advice that covered all the Molly/Olivia drama from about a year ago. Thankfully, mother and daughter are on a path of reconciliation and healing. Molly, however, is single again. Does this mean she will be back on 90 Day Fiancè: The Single Life looking for her true love? What will happen to Kelly? Will the fans get closure about what happened with both relationships? Kelly is back on home ground for now. His recent Instagram posts show he headed back to Brooklyn, NY, for the holidays. Kelly shows himself hanging out with his family and his furry companions. Olivia hinted with her interaction in the comments that Molly and Kelly might be on our screens for a future episode. Olivia also implies that the “full story” will be revealed, and she is not the reason for the breakup. Another comment posted but later deleted by Olivia may hint at the storyline’s direction. While Kelly’s personality is not as outgoing as Molly’s, their connection seems genuine. On 90 Day Fiancé: Pillow Talk, they certainly looked like they enjoyed being in each other’s company. But of course, you never know the real story behind closed doors. What do you think of all of this? Is Olivia perhaps a little bit TOO defensive? Do you think the real story of the breakup (s) will be covered in a future episode? Do you think Molly will be back on Single Life for a second time? Please drop me a comment and let me know what you think! Tweet 90 Day Fiancé: The Single Life 90 Day Fiance90 Day Fiancé: Pillow TalkCynthia DeckerMolly Hopkins
90 Day Fiancé Jesse’s Unlikely Bromance? December 14, 2022December 14, 2022 Spread the loveSpread the loveJesse Meester had an unexpected pop-up appearance on the final part of 90… Tweet Read More
90 Day Fiancé Fans Express Feelings About Jamal – Are His Actions Hypocritical? December 29, 2022December 29, 2022 Spread the loveSpread the loveJamal Menzies is the only child of 90 Day Fiancè: HEA cast member… Tweet Read More
90 Day Fiancé Molly Hopkins & Cynthia Decker – Did they break up?? December 9, 2022December 10, 2022 Spread the loveSpread the loveBreak-ups are always hard. Breaking up with a romantic partner can bring a… Tweet Read More